Svetové blockchain fórum jakarta


The 3rd edition of BlockJakarta 2019 blockchain conference explored the opportunities and challenges in blockchain & also projected Indonesia as ASEAN biggest blockchain market. Senior government officers and industry experts converged on 2nd May to discuss the implementations of blockchain in Indonesia.

Hamid, a hands-on Strategic Visionary brings his wealth of experience and knowledge from Hewlett Packard, Petronas, and U&Me. Hal tersebut tentu merupakan hasil dari upaya sosialisasi pemanfaatan teknologi blockchain yang gencar dilakukan sejumlah pihak, salah satunya adalah sosok Chairwoman of the Board of Directors Blockchain Zoo yang merupakan inisiator berdirinya Asosiasi Blockchain Indonesia, Pandu Sastrowardoyo.. Dalam kampanye bertajuk ‘Woman In Blockchain’ di Jakarta, Kamis (3/5/2018), Pandu menyampaikan • Blockchain untuk Konsumen Mainstream • Dan lain sebagainya. Beberapa partisipan dalam acara ini antara lain Menkominfo, Indodax,, Blockchain Space, Monspace, Tokenomy dan lain sebagainya. Acara akan berlangsung dari pulu 9.30-17.30 WIB bertempat di Ballroom 1, Ritz Carlton Pacific Place, Jakarta. Blockchain World Forum – Singapore will be held on September 19 and 20, 2019, and will explore the opportunities and challenges associated with blockchain. The event aims to create an interactive platform for leading technologists, entrepreneurs, regulators, investors, academics and financial institutions in the emerging blockchain industry.

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South East Asia's largest integrated Blockchain and Cryptocurrency media network. The World Economic Forum is an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. Incorporated as a not-for-profit foundation in 1971, and headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, the Forum is tied to no political, partisan or national interests. Data and research on finance including financial markets, monetary issues, insurance, private pensions, sovereign debt, public debt management and financial  European Blockchain Observatory and Forum is a European Commission initiative to accelerate blockchain innovation and the development of the blockchain  Japan: Japan Blockchain Association; United Kingdom: United Kingdom Digital Currency Association; Singapore: Association of Cryptocurrency Enterprises and   Platform Jual Beli Bitcoin, Ethereum & Aset Crypto Lainnya!

Indonesia Blockchain Hub, South Jakarta. 151 likes · 6 talking about this · 54 were here. Information Technology Company

Svetové blockchain fórum jakarta

Světové ekonomické fórum věnuje více zdrojů na pochopení technologie blockchain a kryptoměn. Organizace se sídlem v Ženevě dokonce vytvořila pracovní skupinu pro kryptoměny, která teprve minulý měsíc zveřejnila inaugurační přezkum zaměřený na různé případy použití digitálních aktiv. The World Economic Forum is an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.

Indonesia Blockchain Hub, South Jakarta. 139 likes · 54 were here. Local Business

Svetové blockchain fórum jakarta

Beberapa partisipan dalam acara ini antara lain Menkominfo, Indodax,, Blockchain Space, Monspace, Tokenomy dan lain sebagainya. Acara akan berlangsung dari pulu 9.30-17.30 WIB bertempat di Ballroom 1, Ritz Carlton Pacific Place, Jakarta. Blockchain World Forum – Singapore will be held on September 19 and 20, 2019, and will explore the opportunities and challenges associated with blockchain. The event aims to create an interactive platform for leading technologists, entrepreneurs, regulators, investors, academics and financial institutions in the emerging blockchain industry. 10.10.2018 Vexanium blockchain will use C++ programming language so the programmer will be easier to create a smart contract using Vexanium blockchain.

Svetové blockchain fórum jakarta

Vegas Blockchain Week 2020 will be held October 19 – 23 at The Palms Casino Resort in Las Vegas, Nevada. Stay tuned for additional announcements including a detailed schedule of events, speakers, sponsors and other cryptocurrency and blockchain related events.

Venue: Hotel Indonesia Kempinski Jakarta. Jakarta is one of the top 10 crypto-capitals of the world in 2017, according to IDACB (International Decentralised Association of Cryptocurrency and Blockchain). On September 20th, WBF 2019 Indonesia Technology Conference will be held at the Ritz-Carlton Jakarta, Pacific Place in Indonesia. The conference will bring top talents and resources together in the Asian blockchain to penetrate the Indonesian market and boost the international cooperation of the blockchain industry. The rapid development of blockchain technology has brought about … – Jakarta- Klaus Schwab, pendiri sekaligus ketua eksekutif World Economic Forum, menyampaikan bahwa teknologi blockchain akan berkontribusi 10% dari produk domestik bruto (PDB) global di tahun 2025, dengan 58% partisipan bisnis di seluruh dunia. Blockchain akan membawa berbagai pengaruh positif di masa yang akan datang.

Early this month, Novum Capital was at the Blockchain Asia Forum 2018: Blockchain Applications and Economics Indonesia Forum in Jakarta. Irwin Chee, Managing Consultant of Novum Capital, was the panelist on the main conference day. We Provide Blockchain Development Services. Our software developers are highly proficient in building blockchain technologies from scratch and customizing existing blockchain solutions through software integrations, functionality modifications, and feature implementations. Blockchain venture aims to modernize Islamic endowments Reuters Finterra launches world’s first Waqf Chain BERNAMA M’sia set to attract more demand for sukuk The Borneo Post Blockchain venture aims to modernise Islamic endowments The Business Times Hamid Rashid, Founder & CEO of Finterra Asian Entrepreneur Finterra Launches Blockchain-Based Services in Kenya Bitcoin Africa Finterra Launches Sheila Warren, head of blockchain at the World Economic Forum, said CBDCs will deliver on promises of more granular financial tracking mechanisms that authorities have made no secret about wanting.

Svetové blockchain fórum jakarta

Untuk pertama kalinya, World Blockchain Forum ini berlangsung di Indonesia.Sebelumnya konferensi serupa telah hadir di beberapa negara dan Indonesia menjadi ke negara ke-20 setelah Rusia. Forum ini bertujuan Managing Director Blockchain Asia Forum Vincent Choy (dari kanan), Wakil Ketua Umum Bidang Logistik dan Pengelolaan Rantai Pasok Kadin Rico Rustombi, Wakil Ketua Asosiasi Fintech Cambodia Eddie Ng, Ketua Asosiasi Fintech Singapura Daphne Ng, dan Sekjen Asosiasi Blockchain Indonesia (ABI) Pandu W. Sastrowardoyo, berbincang di sela-sela pembukaan Blockchain Applications and Economic Forum 2018 Senarai is a forward-minded blockchain consulting company. Senarai provide a wide range of services for blockchain-based and cryptocurrency-based projects, including public relations, project management, business development, and technology development. My role in Senarai, aside from the management duties, is in the research and development area.

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Jul 23, 2020 · Cryptocurrency is the future of online trading. It is making online transactions easier, faster, and direct. Now we do not need a middleman in transferring payments while blockchain keeps your money always protected.

Information Technology Company Aug 09, 2019 · Merangkul gelombang pengembangan blockchain Asia, pada tanggal 20 September, Konferensi Teknologi WBF 2019 Indonesia dengan tulus mengundang para tamu dari berbagai bidang untuk berkumpul di Jakarta untuk berbicara tentang inovasi blockchain. Registrasi World Blockchain Forum 2019 sekarang! Link registrasi Jul 30, 2019 · The Global Blockchain Summit 2019 will be held on the 29 - 30 July 2019 at the Ritz Carlton Jakarta Hotel, in Indonesia. It will look at key developments in applications and use cases and showcase how blockchain technology can be used to improve efficiency, security, and transparency. Oct 20, 2020 · With the theme of “Harnessing the Power of Blockchain technology for the Global Development of Waqf ”, this forum will serve as a platform to explore the boundaries of new waqf developments and initiatives while shedding light on new thoughts, ideas, success stories and regulations while promoting Waqf as the new economic alternatives that can enhance the Muslim society globally.

Jul 16, 2020 · Asia’s most-elite virtual crypto & blockchain summit. HNIs, Hedge Funds and Crypto Investors alongside blockchain experts, influencers & gurus from global enterprises are convening virtually to discuss how can Asia thrive in the global blockchain & crypto race.

Saat ini AFTECH memiliki lebih dari 350 anggota, yang terdiri dari 359 perusahaan fintech, 24 institusi … The most developed expression of blockchain governance, EOS, based on EOS.IO software, launched in early June 2018. It is designed to create three bases of power: firstly, block producers who maintain the chain; secondly, the community who vote on changes to the set of block producers and constitution; and thirdly, a forum for dispute resolution. 04.08.2019 ВКонтакте – универсальное средство для общения и поиска друзей и одноклассников, которым ежедневно пользуются десятки миллионов человек. Мы хотим, чтобы друзья, однокурсники, одноклассники, соседи и коллеги всегда Indonesia Blockchain Hub, South Jakarta. 151 likes · 6 talking about this · 54 were here. Information Technology Company Aug 09, 2019 · Merangkul gelombang pengembangan blockchain Asia, pada tanggal 20 September, Konferensi Teknologi WBF 2019 Indonesia dengan tulus mengundang para tamu dari berbagai bidang untuk berkumpul di Jakarta untuk berbicara tentang inovasi blockchain. Registrasi World Blockchain Forum 2019 sekarang!

Světové ekonomické fórum věnuje více zdrojů na pochopení technologie blockchain a kryptoměn. Organizace se sídlem v Ženevě dokonce vytvořila pracovní skupinu pro kryptoměny, která teprve minulý měsíc zveřejnila inaugurační přezkum zaměřený na různé případy použití digitálních aktiv. South East Asia's largest integrated Blockchain and Cryptocurrency media network. The World Economic Forum is an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas. Incorporated as a not-for-profit foundation in 1971, and headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, the Forum is tied to no political, partisan or national interests.